
What is the difference between the workpiece materials ground by CBN grinding wheels (cubic boron nitride grinding wheels) and ordinary grinding wheels?

time:2024-10-25 11:11:39hit:154

What is the difference between the workpiece materials ground by CBN grinding wheels (cubic boron nitride grinding wheels) and ordinary grinding wheels?

1. There is no difference in the grinding object;

2. The key lies in the performance of the matching grinder; the rotation speed of CBN grinding wheels is generally 80-120m/s, or even higher; CBN grinding wheels have high requirements for the rigidity and precision of machine tools;

3. Ordinary grinders use CBN grinding wheels (cubic boron nitride grinding wheels), which cannot meet the grinding requirements, such as CNC operating systems, dressing devices, etc.

At present, our company's advice to you: If you have never used CBN grinding wheels, it is not suitable to use CBN grinding wheels. The reason is here. In the inquiries from some customers we have come into contact with, we often encounter problems such as customers using ordinary corundum grinding wheels, serious pollution in the working environment, low grinding efficiency, and low grinding wheel life. We hope to improve them by using CBN grinding wheels, but it cannot be achieved simply by replacing the grinding wheels, and there are also matching machine tools.

