
How to Correct the Stress in the Matrix of Metal Circular Saw Blades

time:2024-06-26 11:04:35hit:162

Methods for correcting stress

Methods for correcting metal circular saw blades usually include cold correction method, hot correction method and comprehensive method:

1. Cold correction method: This method means that only local pressure is applied to the saw blade base, but no heating is applied;

2. Hot correction method: Local heating is applied to the saw blade base, but no pressure is applied;

3. Comprehensive method: Partial pressure and partial heating are applied to the saw blade base;

The above three methods are effective means for correcting the stress of the saw blade base, but generally only the cold correction method is used. For specific implementation methods, please refer to the following text description:

Metal circular saw blade base stress cold correction methods include hammering method and rolling method

A. Hammering correction method

1. If the stress value needs to be increased during the test, the hammering should be performed from the center of the metal circular saw blade base until The saw blade can only stop at 2/3 of its diameter. It should be noted that the hammer head is round, and the hammering force and hammer drop point must be the same in all places within this range.

2. If the stress value is found to be too large, it must be reduced. The specific method is: the hammering technique is the same, but the hammering position should start from the edge of the saw blade base, 1/3 of the diameter away from the outer edge;

B. Roller pressing correction method

The roller pressing correction method for the saw blade is to use two parallel rollers of the same diameter, as shown in Figure 1 above. In this step, we need to pay attention to one point: the shaft must be driven by the same motor, so that absolute synchronization can be protected. If it is not synchronized, it will seriously affect the effect. Another point is that the direction of rotation must be opposite.

1. If the stress is insufficient, it needs to be increased: press with a roller 2~3 times at a position of one-third to two-thirds of the diameter of the metal circular saw blade base.

2. If the stress is too large, it needs to be reduced: press with a roller 2~3 times at the edge of the saw blade base, and pay attention to the change of the stress value.

